Survey on Cultural Heritage Adaptive Reuse practice

Project description
Project Id 3352
Project Name San Sebastiano Monte dei Morti Living Lab, Italy
Description The church of San Sebastiano del Monte dei Morti, is located in Salerno, in Largo Plebiscito, in the historic center, within the ancient walls that opened there in the Porta Rotese. This church was originally dedicated to the Saints Martyrs Sebastiano, Cosma and Damiano, and the oldest information regarding it dates back to 994, when the presence of the church was mentioned and identified along the Rafastia stream, now known as Cernicchiara. A very suggestive hypothesis is that of Monsignor Arturo Carucci, according to which the church would have the features of an early Christian baptistery, highlighting some impressive analogies with the sanctuary of the Gianicolo in Rome and with the Baptistery of Sala Consilina dated to the fifth century. These fascinating considerations highlight some details of the church that would highlight its function as a place where the neophytes were baptized; among these, a room below the church, about 2 meters deep which was later used as a burial. Howev
Description of the economic, social and environmental impacts of the project under evaluation
Web links
Country Italy
City size Intermediate cities (between 50.000-1 million people)
Characteristics of the cultural heritage building/site/landscapes
Construction period 2-Renaissance
Adaptive reuse period >2016
State of conservation Medium conservation
Vacancy before Vacant
Vacancy after Temporarily used
Cultural significance Municipal heritage|
Typologies Religious|
Governance, management and financing
Ownership before Public
Ownership after Public
Management structure Other: municipal resolution|
Managing body Public-Private Partnership|
Funding full answer Other: People's donation|
Barriers and bottlenecks Economic – financial|Regulatory (e.g. heritage regulations / authorities)|Cultural|Physical (e.g. accessibility, morphology, structure)|
total investment < 100.000 €
Uses / functions
Residential no
Cohousing no
Hotel accommodation no
BnbHostel accommodation no
Commercial units no
Wellness centres no
Restaurant no
Cafe no
Public library no
Gardens no
Education no
Museum exhibition no
Research no
Cultural events yes
Theatre yes
Conferences no
Social uses yes
Community Hubs yes
Incubator no
Cultural and Creative Industries hub yes
Innovative startups hub no
Circular economy enterprises hub no
Coworking spaces no
Workshop spaces yes
Living Lab yes
Fab Lab no
Creative Hub no
Artist residencies yes
Materials bank no
Repair Cafe no
Bike sharing place no
Sports facilities no
Other uses no