Heritage Innovation Partnership #2 in Rijeka
The second meeting of the Heritage Innovation Partnership process was organized by University of Nova Gorica and the Municipality of Rijeka and structured in two days on 1st and 18th March 2019.
The first meeting focused on Action Planning, getting advantage of the results of the first HIP held in October 2018 and of some of the research results of the CLIC project in a more advanced state, especially regarding the complex issues of Stakeholders and Actors Governance as well as Business and Management Model.
Its aim was to focus on specific objects of the city in order to create a clear sustainable connection between Adaptive Reuse – Circularity and circular urban economy – Historic Urban Landscape, contributing to the upgrade of the concept of Historic Urban landscape with the indicators of the circularity, seeing the urban preservation movement as propaedeutic for the implementation of proper circular policies at urban level.
The meeting was mostly dedicated to an open discussion among the participants following a presentation of UNG on the CLIC project and case studies and examples of Adaptive Reuse and Urban Sustainability, where circular economy plays a role in direct or indirect forms. The purpose was to show participants the benefits for Rijeka deriving from cultural heritage preservation at the highest international standards and employment opportunities coming from cultural heritage, reuse and new forms of economy. The presentation was done by Marco Acri and Saša Dobričić, with the support of Suzana Beloseviĉ from the city of Rijeka.