Participation of CLIC project in the international expert workshop “The science of the Smart City 2.0: Liveability, Climate Change and Circular Economic Futures”

IRISS CNR, in collaboration with University of Naples Federico II, JADS Jheronimus Academy of Data Science, Regional Science Association, Axel and Margaret Axson Johnson Foundation and other international organizations, held on October 29-30, 2018 an international expert workshop on ‘The Science of the Smart City 2.0’, devoted to the theme of: Urban Liveability, Climate Change and Circular Economic Futures.

The workshop led to operational recommendations and action strategies for urban big data management at different spatial scales (from streets, districts or public spaces to wider urban agglomerations or urban regions), from the perspective of the challenge imposed by current climate change and quality-of-life threats to the ‘New Urban World’. This workshop would not only signal – by way of early warning systems – critical development paths of urban agglomerations, but would also pave the road towards new forms of urban development policy based on a blend of “data rich” urban planning and architecture, while respecting the historical and cultural heritage of cities as well as the social value of community capital in urban neighbourhoods.

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