35th Breakfast@Sustainability’s Cultural and Natural Heritage for regional Smart Specialisation Strategies (RIS3)
What is Smart Specialisation and how does it contribute to sustainable regional development in Europe? What is the status of Research & Innovation Strategies for Smart Specialisation (RIS3) and to what extent do they integrate cultural and natural resources?
The 35th Breakfast at Sustainability’s brings together representatives of EU institutions, cultural experts, regional officers and rural stakeholders, to discuss the unexplored potential of combining Smart Specialisation with Cultural & Natural Heritage (CNH). As Europe’s regions are revising their RIS3 for the new programming period (2021-2027), and as the European Commission is setting ambitious goals for a green recovery, this is a timely moment to revisit how investment in Research & Innovation for CNH can contribute to building a sustainable future for all. Participants to this online event will acquire a better understanding of the current developments on regional Smart Specialisation Strategies and will gain key insights on how local cultural assets can drive innovation-led development agendas.
The 35th Breakfast at Sustainability’s is hosted online by ICLEI Europe in the context of RURITAGE, a Horizon2020 project that turns rural areas into laboratories to demonstrate Cultural & Natural Heritage as an engine of regeneration.
- Laurent de Mercey, European Commission, Unit Smart and Sustainable Growth (DG REGIO)
- Maciej Hofman, Policy Officer, Culture – Cultural and creative sectors (DG EAC)
- Alessandro Rainoldi, Head of Unit, Territorial Development, Joint Research Centre (European Commission)
- Prof. Fusco Girard, Associate Professor at IRISS – Institute for Research on Innovation and Services for Development (Italy)
- Prof. Simona Tondelli, Full Professor of Urban and Regional Planning, University of Bologna, Project Coordinator of RURITAGE
- Gumersindo Bueno Benito, General Director for Cultural Heritage, Region of Castilla y León (Spain)
- Gabriela Macoveiu, Director of the Communication, Innovation and External Cooperation Department at the North-East Regional Development Agency (Romania)
To join the event, please register here.
More information: Stephania Xydia, Governance & Social Innovation Officer, ICLEI Europe – stephania.xydia@iclei.org