Heritage Innovation Partnership #3 Rijeka
On Tuesday, 18 June 2019, The City of Rijeka and the University of Nova Gorica organised the third CLIC Heritage Innovation Partnership (HIP) meeting, which was held in the City Hall of Rijeka, Croatia.
The stakeholder’s workshop was focusing on the governance of the city adaptive reuse process through circular models, as well as endorsing and partly amending the outcomes of the previous two Rijeka HIP Meetings.
The workshop capitalised on the previous examples by organising the actors in the city to promote the implementation of the circular approach in the urban regeneration of the city on three levels:
- building site focused, aiming to create better conditions for adaptive reuse of cultural heritage through the circular principles while protecting the authenticity and integrity of the historical substance
- urban scale focused, aiming to re-adapt and reactivate use of vacant public and private buildings within the urban tissue as well as reclamation of public space
- policy level focusing the spatial policies and instruments for easier integration of circular economy and urban regeneration process.
For the CLIC HIP 3 Meeting the four objectives have been defined for the circular city by reuse of cultural heritage;
objective 1: revitalisation of Rječina River;
objective 2: creating a cultural corridor;
objective 3: protection and revitalisation of cultural heritage buildings; objective 4: urban regeneration and accessibility.
The workshop focused on previously identified Micro Area, extending from Old Harbour Port Baross, through the historic centre, following Rječina River towards Energana Power-plant and Rječina Canyon. The outcomes of the workshop were in the form of the elaborated maps with annotations done by stakeholders.