Knowledge Exchange Platform on Cultural Heritage Peer-to-peer Event
Friday, December 7, the City of Morazzone, in the province of Varese (Italy), will host the Peer-to-peer Event Knowledge Exchange Platform on Cultural Heritage.
The initiative, with the participation of representatives of local and European institutions and local stakeholders, will focus on the theme of cultural heritage as a resource for the territory, aimed at stimulating the regeneration of historic centers in particular through the adaptive reuse of disused or underused cultural assets, the activation of sustainable investment models and the revitalisation of the local economy etc.
In this framework Marco Acri, from University of Nova Gorica, will present the H2020 CLIC project, underlining how innovative approaches, tools and business models for the adaptive reuse of cultural heritage can promote heritage-led regeneration processes, fostering urban circularity, increasing regeneration and boosting inclusive economic growth.
Knowledge Exchange Platform on Cultural Heritage Peer-to-peer Event in Morazzone Agenda
Featured image: Chiesa parrocchiale Morazzone by Wikipedia.it