Opportunities of cultural heritage adaptive reuse from European cities and regions: CLIC Knowledge & Information Hub

The CLIC Knowledge and Information Hub platform has been renewed! It has been enriched with information about opportunities of cultural heritage adaptive reuse in Europe and a knowledge base of all existing literature and regulations on Adaptive Reuse and Circular Economy topics.

The CLIC Knowledge and Information Hub platform has been renewed! The new version is now available at www.clicplatform.eu.

The platform, that already provided a common space for researchers and practitioners to share and exchange knowledge about cultural heritage adaptive reuse, in terms of “best practice”, has been enriched with information about opportunities of cultural heritage adaptive reuse in Europe and a knowledge base of all existing literature and regulations on Adaptive Reuse and Circular Economy topics.

Now the CLIC Knowledge and Information Hub allows a city/region to showcase local reuse practices and present the abandoned heritage as assets/opportunities for adaptive reuse investments towards the implementation of a “circular city” model.  It enables institutional communication of adaptive reuse objectives and opportunities in the city/region, facilitates stakeholders’ cooperation and access to information and allows the launch of adaptive reuse strategic projects testing circular models.  The rich knowledge base of best practices, literature and regulations on Adaptive Reuse and Circular Economy topics supports the stakeholders in the reuse process.

The application of the platform – based on requirements from four cities/territories (the CLIC pilot cities of Salerno, Rjieka, Amsterdam and Västra Götaland Region) and representing different geographic, historic, cultural and political contexts – is replicable in any other European (and not only European) city.

The understanding and reuse of cultural heritage involves the collection, storage and processing of all forms of relevant information pertaining to it. The heterogeneous sets of data help understanding the heritage building or site and their management is an essential task for the dissemination and reuse of the asset. The aim of the CLIC Knowledge Information Hub is to integrate the dispersed available information, facilitate the retrieval of information and making the information available for decision-making. The platform has been implemented to manage and visualize in an innovative way the information related to heritage assets to inform investors, policy-makers, entrepreneurs and civil society organizations on the opportunities and costs related to available heritage assets to start heritage regeneration actions.

CLIC Knowledge and Information Hub organises, manages and provides access to all the information on the opportunities of cultural heritage adaptive reuse from the cities and regions joining the platform.  Through it, the user can consult information on all opportunities across Europe with their locations, search specific groups of opportunities (available spaces, to build and reuse, to design and reuse) or according to other characteristics. For instance, typology of the heritage building/site/landscape (Civil, Residential, Religious, Military, Industrial, Commercial, Leisure, Agricultural), state of conservation, state of intervention, etc.

The user can consult information about local reuse practices and opportunities for adaptive reuse investments in a specific city/region and find the call and tenders published by the local administrator as well as news, documents and useful contact details.

The platform collects and presents a detailed description of each reuse opportunity: specific data related to the involved heritage (its typology, protection, the typology of construction, the indoor and outdoor Sq meters, number of floors, the owner, the urban planning zone, the energy performance) as well as specific documents as planimetries. Images, contacts, news, links to websites or social where finding further information, opening times to visit the building/site are also provided. Furthermore, the platform provides all the details about the reuse status of the heritage and the current reuse phase, its state of use, the allowed uses, the last intervention year and the intervention needed, the estimated or actual investment range and costs for the reuse project, its intervention timeframe timeline and managing aspects such as the governance model, management type and manager.

The platform not only empowers city and regions providing an open platform for cataloguing, presenting and sharing reuse opportunities but it is also of interest to anyone who wishes to look into the adaptive reuse practices of European cities and regions and learn from their experiences as well as citizens interested in seeing the projects of their city, investors interested in finding opportunities on a territory.

The platform has been developed by means of FacilityLive, an innovative technology for the organization and management of information that allows people to have a compelling user experience in information search.  The ambition has been to use and further develop the technology for the management of cultural heritage data to enable cooperation between multiple stakeholders and inform their investment and management choices.

CLIC Knowledge and Information Hub offers a new way of accessing cultural heritage information!