Public Consultation for the adaptive reuse of Edifici Mondo in Salerno in the circular economy perspective
Following the elaboration of the Local Action Plan for the adaptive reuse of abandoned and underused cultural heritage co-created by the Municipality of Salerno, CNR-IRISS and several civil organizations active in the area, the idea of launching a public consultation to identify possible ideas for the adaptive reuse of Palazzo San Massimo gradually took shape, involving then the entire group of “Edifici Mondo”, a complex of large abandoned historic buildings located in the high historical centre of the city of Salerno, including Convent of San Francesco, Convent of San Pietro a Maiella e S. Giacomo and Convent of Santa Maria della Consolazione, for about 70.000 square meters.
The public consultation represents an experiment of “circular” governance to be included in the Regulation for the shared management of cultural heritage as a “common good” (under construction), to allow the Municipality to receive proposals for the adaptive reuse of cultural heritage by different organizations, including the private ones (companies, foundations, cooperatives, associations, individual citizens, etc.).
The call is accessible on the website of the Municipality of Salerno and is aimed at collecting the ideas, needs and expectations of all categories of potential stakeholders, encouraging the greatest participation and recognising the intrinsic value of each contribution.
All the proposals should extensively describe the project of adaptive reuse for the interested building / buildings, focusing on the overall expected impacts (e.g. at the economic / financial, social, cultural and / or environmental level).
As an added value, the teams have the possibility to provide a general estimate of the investments, with an indication of the possible sources of financing, costs and possible revenues during the management phase, indicating, if available:
- Estimated recovery and restructuring costs of the asset
- Annual operating costs under management of the property(ies)
- Revenue streams from the management of the asset
- Other sources of financing and/or public or private support that may be activated (e.g. tax incentives, contributions from foundations, crowdfunding, donations, etc.)
The selected proposals will be further developed during the Co-design Circular Business Model workshop held by ICHEC Brussels with the Municipality of Salerno and CNR IRISS on May 12-14, 2020 in Salerno. During the workshop, teams will work together on the proposals in order to build a systemic framework of uses / functions for the abandoned cultural heritage buildings located in the very centre of the historic area of Salerno city
The following step will be the launch of a competitive public procedure for the implementation of the project (in the form of PPP, concession or other type) to parties with adequate technical and financial capacity, in line with the mix of uses defined through the co-design phase.
Let’s reuse our cultural heritage!!! Take part in the call: the deadline for submission is April 27, 2020
Featured image: Palazzo San Massimo from https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palazzo_San_Massimo