Christian Ost from ICHEC has been appointed as the President of the RLICC
Christian Ost from ICHEC Brussels Management School (member of the CLIC Consortium and lead on WP3) has been appointed as the President of the Raymond Lemaire International Conservation Center (RLICC) from the KU Leuven.

Circular governance between theory and practice Laboratory of Transdisciplinarity III (LabT)| H2020 Project CLIC
CLIC’s third Transdisciplinary Laboratory (LabT) took place on 21 November 2019 in Brussels. It was organized by ICHEC Brussels Management School which is leading on work package 3 Supporting circular governance through informed decision-making. This LabT discussed circular governance at all levels starting from the global level, investigating the regional, speculating on the city and finally examining it at the building level.

Circular governance between theory and practice Laboratory of Transdisciplinarity III (LabT)
CLIC’s third Transdisciplinary Laboratory (LabT) will take place on 21 November 2019 in Brussels. It is organized by ICHEC Brussels Management School which is leading on work package 3 Supporting circular governance through informed decision-making. This LabT will discuss circular governance at all levels starting from the global level, investigating the regional, speculating on the city and finally examining it at the building level.

Internship programme: A focus on perceptions mapping.
Under the framework of H2020 research project CLIC, ICHEC welcomed four masters students to undertake their internship programme at ICHEC and abroad.

Heritage Innovation Partnerships (HIPs) sessions
The process for Heritage Innovation Partnerships (HIPs) has been launched! A first local meeting in Gothenburg (19 September 2018) – organised by Västra Götaland Region and Uppsala University, ICLEI, ICHEC, – started the entire dialogues’ sessions.