Re.LIGHT | Lights on Cultural Heritage Guided “rediscovery” of Cultural Heritage in the historic centre of Salerno
The Horizon 2020 project CLIC in collaboration with associations and companies of the Salerno area, organizes the event GentleHacking: Re.LIGHT | Cultural Heritage in Light which provides an alternative guided tour in the context of Luci d’Artista 2019/2020.

CLIC at Heritage and the Sustainable Development Goals in Delft
Between November 26 and 28, three members of the CLIC team actively contributed to the International LDE-Heritage conference “Heritage and the Sustainable Development Goals” in Delft, The Netherlands. Christian Ost and Nadia Pintossi, presented results of their researches on adaptive reuse of cultural heritage during the parallel sessions. Afterwards, Deniz Ikiz Kaya took part as a catalyst in the roundtable “Climate Change Adaptation of Cultural Heritage”. Similarly, Nadia Pintossi was a catalyst of the roundtable “Heritage and Environment”.

Taskforce on “Circular Models for Cultural Heritage Adaptive Reuse in Cities and Regions”: Second Meeting at B@S
On 21 November, the 31st edition of Breakfast at Sustainability will take place at the ICHEC Brussels Management School, hosting the second meeting of the Taskforce on “Circular Models for Cultural Heritage Adaptive Reuse in Cities and Regions”, stemmed from the CLIC project, sharing its overall objective and enlarging its scope to a wider community of innovators in cultural heritage.

Fill in the Survey for the Local Action Plan of Salerno
The CLIC team is continuing to work in close collaboration with the Municipality of Salerno, one of the four project pilots, for the elaboration of its Local Action Plan (LAP) by sharing and analyzing proposals for the adaptive reuse and reactivation of abandoned and underused cultural heritage in the perspective of circular economy and circular city.

International Conference on “Adaptive reuse and integrated management of dismissed religious cultural heritage”
Thursday, November 7 the Institute for Research on Innovation and Services for Development of the National Research Council of Italy will host the International Conference on “Adaptive reuse and integrated management of dismissed religious cultural heritage”.

CLIC presented at the First meeting of the European Commission Expert Group on Cultural Heritage
The First meeting of the European Commission expert group on cultural heritage was held on 15th and 16th October 2019. Jermina Stanojev, researcher from Uppsala University, as a selected member of the expert group, presented the CLIC project.

European network of historic botanic therapeutic gardens
From the experience of HIPs Salerno, a close collaboration and synergy with Giardino della Minerva has been developed, which in turn, thanks to the thrust of CLIC project, is pursuing the idea of a European network of historic botanic therapeutic gardens – with others located in Cordoba (Spain), Uppsala (Sweden) and Kos (Greece) – aimed at enhancing the cultural value of Salernitan School of Medicine through a Heritage-led innovation and entrepreneurial approach.

Impact of the CLIC project on local community: CLIC included in the DOS of Salerno
In 2018, CLIC has been formally included in the Strategic Planning Document of the Municipality of Salerno, foreseeing funding to some Cultural Heritage sites mapped by CLIC researchers as abandoned/underused, in synergy with local stakeholders

Workshop “The adaptive re-use of our built heritage for a greener Europe” – Brussels, 9 October 2019
On 9 October 2019, in Brussels, it will be held a workshop on “The adaptive re-use of our built heritage for a greener Europe” promoted by the Architects Council of Europe (ACE) in the context of the “European Week of Regions and Cities” that will take place from 7 to 10 October.

Heritage Innovation Partnership #3 Salerno
Today, June 19, 2019, a technical meeting of the Heritage Innovation Partnerships (HIPs) will be held at the City Hall with the representatives of the administrative sectors of the Municipality of Salerno, in order to present and discuss the first results of the public consultation and of the workshops carried out in the first phase of the CLIC project, and to define a shared vision for the elaboration of the Local Action Plan (LAP) for the reuse of cultural heritage in Salerno, from the perspective of the circular economy and the emerging model of “circular city”.